Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz

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In the opening scene of “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving,” which Peanuts character tries to convince Charlie Brown that kicking a football is a Thanksgiving tradition?

Every year since 1953, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has been broadcasted live on what television network?

What movie holds the box office record for most revenue generated during a Thanksgiving opening weekend?

On November 14th, 1989, which U.S. president began the the annual tradition of giving a turkey an official presidential pardon at the White House?

What member of the Patuxet tribe served as an interpreter between the Native Americans and the Mayflower Pilgrims upon their arrival in 1620?

Built to commemorate the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the Pilgrim Monument is a historic landmark in what Massachusetts town?

When the Pilgrims set sail for the New World in 1620, who was the monarch of England?

On Thanksgiving Day 2022, Dak Prescott helped which NFL team beat the New York Giants 28 to 20?

Breaking a turkey’s wishbone is one of the oldest Thanksgiving traditions. What is the scientific name for this bone that’s formed by the fusion of the two clavicles?

Black Friday in the United States is most comparable in Canada to Boxing Day, which is observed on what day of the year?

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